
Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11, 2012 ~ The Heart Whisperer

The words of a whisperer are like dainty morsels,
And they go down into the innermost parts of the body.
Proverbs 26:22


Perhaps after this many years of life, you’d think I would not be learning new things still.  But I do every day and I appreciate the wisdom that God sends my way so much. Today my pastor spoke on gossip. He wasn’t looking forward to it all that much but since he has been taking the church through Proverbs 26, he needed to address verse 22. Surprising to him, he ended up enjoying his study on it and surprising to me, I learned something new and concrete that I could take home with me.

As a believer, I sense the Holy Spirit nudging me when I get too close to gossiping. However, it has always been a bit confusing to me if I want to share something I am concerned about over one friend with another friend. Sometimes I venture out and other times I just refrain from saying anything at all. I’ve been, quite honestly, a little skittish about it after being betrayed about some things I shared with a very close friend that was then thrown in my face.

Pastor Bob made it so simple. He said to ask ourselves if what we want to share about another person has an unloving motive. Wow. So wise. Is my motive loving or unloving? Or am I being a backbiter who is delighting in the “dainty morsels” as they glide down into my heart? Or am I truly concerned about a person’s wellbeing? I will begin a heart check before I open my mouth about another person. I want to be a loving heart whisperer.

I have avoided people who love to trash others maliciously, but, I also need to be aware of the subtle whisperers as the New American Standard calls them.  The King James calls them tale bearers.  The New International Version calls them gossips. Whatever name they are given, I do not want to pass on a single thing unless my motive is purely out of love. I do not ever want to cause hurt to anyone intentionally.

This is going to be harder than it sounds because, after all, we are human beings. We tend to want to chat about everything under the sun. But today brought a new guideline. Thank you, Lord, for Pastor Bob.


So, what is your motive when you share news about someone? Is it full of love? Or is your motive unloving? 

*Think before you speak words that could pass for gossip.
*Avoid whisperers/slanderers/talebearers/gossips.
*If you hear some gossip, stop it right there. Don’t pass it on.


Lord, I am so thankful for the words “unloving motive” today. It helps me to remember to put my heart in check. Help me to apply this to my life everyday . . . for the rest of my life.

Trusting in Him,

**With grateful thanks to Pastor Bob Kerrey of Moon Valley Bible Church in Phoenix, AZ.

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