
Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 18, 2012 ~ Perfect Peace

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27


With the recession came a huge income change for me. At first, I wasn’t sure why my mural business was slowing down; I cut back on things and basically tried to go with the flow. But before too long, I had an empty calendar and was taking all kinds of part time jobs to survive. Going from being booked three months out to having only a few clients each month was a drastic life style change for me. I had to let go of a lot of material stuff and moved downwards in housing, to a simpler lifestyle than I had had since I was in my twenties. During this time, I continued praying and asking God for direction and He kept placing peace in my heart. And so, I simply accepted the recession as a sort of trial and over time decided to go back to college to become a Hospice Social Worker.

This decision wasn’t a “aha moment” nor was it instantaneous. It was more a gradual reckoning, where I felt a gentle calling from the Lord to work with hurting people. At each step along the way, I would either feel a calm peace when I was moving in the right direction or a sort of nothingness when I was headed off His plan for me. I prayed constantly, sometimes feeling puzzled that a recession would be used to bring me to a career change.  And yet the peace persisted and stuck to me like a special covering that brought me hope. Of course, at times I missed having a nicer income but realized that for this season in my life, simple is better and that is where God wanted me.

When I reflect on Jesus words in John 14:27 and the amazing encouragement from Him, I wonder what is it that makes any one hold back from trusting in the Lord. He takes our problems, troubles and trials and fills our heart with peace instead of fear, doubt and worry. Why would anyone ever prefer to keep their troubles and live in fear? Why would anyone waste time fretting over the details of life when the Holy Spirit is there to fill our hearts with peace, no matter what the circumstance?

As we give our life over completely to God, with no hold backs, we are given a peace that fills our heart with the knowledge that our Father has our life in His hands and He will take care of us. However, when we only give God part of our life, and keep parts that we spend time worrying over, we really can’t live our Christian walk with the joy that only comes from a life of trust. And that is the key: a life of trusting Him to watch over you and fill your heart with peace at all times.


Is there an area that you can’t seep to stop worrying over? One that you think God is too busy to notice and take care of? It’s time to let go and give this situation over to Him completely. No hold backs. No coming back to the problem . . . give it all to Him. And peace will flood your heart.


Thank You, Lord, for the peace that you give me, for taking my problems and showing me the way out of difficulties. And, Lord, thank You for taking away the fear that your enemy wants me to have. Your strength and power over ride everything and your peace is such a precious gift.

Trusting in Him,

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