
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 27, 2012 ~ Prayers Answered

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20


I knew that the day would come where I would write about God’s special, prayed-for provision for me; I just didn’t know it would be today. God never lets us know His future plans for us, so the phone call I received today was a delightful surprise.

In 2010 I decided to return to college to get a degree in Social Work. As I began preparations, the economy took an even bigger nose dive in Phoenix and I was rapidly running out of money. Few people were hiring me (I paint murals) because I perform a luxury service. I had to let a lot of material things go: my car, my home, my garden and a lot of the extra’s I was used to. I had a big garage sale and then gave away things I could not use in my soon to be apartment home. I did a major downsize in my life. By now my trust in the Lord was strong and I knew that He would take care of my needs; I simply needed to be willing and available. My Trust in the Lord ministry began during this period because I had so much more time on my hands. Quite honestly, God used the recession to further His kingdom.

Friends picked me up for events, church and grocery shopping. I spent more time with many of them because we drove places together, which has been so nice. School is all on line at this point and when I do paint murals, I have rented a car. It all worked out pretty well and while I missed my freedom, I learned to live a much simpler life. A small book could be written about all God has taught me over these past 15 months. Stay tuned!

School is soon going to be in person and by now I have been really eager to volunteer at a Hospice Center where I hope to one day work. For both of these situations I needed a car so I began asking God about a month ago to provide something that could take me where I need to go. I was willing to drive almost anything and even considered a little Vespa motorcycle but my cop friend said no way, not in the Phoenix traffic.

God did “immeasurably more than” I asked. Or imagined. When the phone rang, it was my friend Mac whose mother had passed away a few weeks earlier.  We chatted for a while, catching up and then she told me that she and her husband Russ wanted to give me, with no strings attached her mother’s car. With tears easily flowing, I was overcome with gratitude to both Mac and Russ but mostly to the Lord for placing it on their hearts to surprise me with a wonderfully taken care of sedan.

Yes, God does answer our prayers . . . in His time, not ours.  I had a few lessons to learn first. Big lessons and small, but all that have changed my outlook on giving to others.

To Him be the praise and the glory. Forever and ever. Amen.


What is it that you most need? Not want, but need? Ask the Lord to provide for you exactly what it is according to His will. And wait to see Him work in your life!


Father, You are my provider and I thank You for all You do for me.  Every day of my life, You provide, over and over again.

Trusting in Him,

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  1. Thank you so much for this post. I have been going through a lot of what you have gone through do to being very sick for the last 2 years. Lost a lot in the process. My car is about to go any day. So, reading about this after just praying to God for hope in my own situation gives me hope to keep trusting God and he will show how faithful he is. Thank you Heavenly Father for your faithfulness in answering my prayers. Also, for blessing Becky with her gift to provide such a beautiful ministry "Trust in the Lord". God bless you my Sister in Christ ;-)

  2. Bionnde,

    Thank you so much for your comment. Right now I ask that God uses this tough time in your life for His glory.

    It's tough when we go through hard times but I found that as long as I continued looking at the Lord and not at the world and what they have to say, I did great spiritually. Many people give wrong advice. Advice that they believe is correct but I knew all along that my mission was to trust Him fully.

    If you want to write me personally go to my Trust in the Lord Facebook page and there is a secure place for us to correspond.


  3. Becky, Thank you for your most revealing words. I have learned in the past two years to completely trust God in every area of my life. Without going into details, my life has been in an continuous upheaval during these past few months. My life has been transformed from a sedate, routine existence to one where my husband and I don't know what to expect each day when we wake up. In these last months, all areas of my life have been affected including my health, our finances, my relationship with my husband and other negative events that filtered into our lives due to bad decisions by relatives.
    And yet I continue to see God working miracles in our lives daily. I can only say that I am happier now than I was two years ago. Throughout all this I have seen God respond to my prayers, in His perfect time, and resolved to benefit me as God sees it necessary. I no longer worry the way I used to. Although I am not currently employed, I accept it because I know that at this very moment, I am not supposed to be working so that God can use me for whatever plans he has in store for me. Because my husband is employed we can survive on his income and I can be free to help others as I am needed. I am now thankful for all that I have because of the lessons I have learned. I now live in a grateful state, giving thanks for my health, for my marriage, for my family, for the friends and the church we have but most of all, for having God in my life.

  4. Maxi,

    It sounds as though you and I have a lot in common! I love reading that you are happier now than you were two years ago. God is using you already!And He will provide for all of your needs!

