
Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 23, 2012 ~ Perfect Peace

You will keep in perfect peace
    all who trust in You,
    all whose thoughts are fixed on You!
Isaiah 26:3 (NLT)


I started reading a novel, part of a series actually, called Land of My Heart by Tracie Peterson. She writes Christian fiction and while some people have no desire to read such books, I love them when they point me to the word of God. Plus, I was on a ten day vacation, visiting with my son and his family so I wanted some R & R.

In the book, Tracie has a character named KOKO tell another woman something so insightful that I copied it into my journal:

“Trusting God requires walking forward into unseen places.”

This spoke to me as I am aware God is taking me into unseen places in my life right now. And I had already made up my mind I would follow Him wherever He wants me to go, but He also used a fiction novel to remind me to keep trusting Him. Where He goes, I will go. Where He leads me I will follow. The peace I have is almost tangible: worry is not part of my mindset and I am walking forward with my eyes closed in a way.

Immediately following verse 3 is the perfect reminder: God is our Rock. And I am choosing to build my hearts home on the Rock eternal.


Do you need to see the path before you will follow God? Try for one week to follow Him blindly. Go where you cannot see. And watch how your faith grows. And I promise it will.


Thank You Lord for using Christian authors to echo what You have already told me. I will follow . . . wherever You want me to go.

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