
Thursday, August 9, 2012

August 10, 2012 ~ New Beginnings

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
    great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23


A lovely plant called Purslane is my favorite of all garden bloomers. When I was introduced to it in 1999 I was amazed by the way each bud opened around 9 in the morning and closed around 5, never to reopen. And yet, the next day, new blooms graced my garden.

Like Purslane, we are given a fresh beginning each day.  We do not need to haul around the junk from yesterday but can allow healing, forgiveness, loving and hopefulness to start off all of our mornings. Such as our morning boost of coffee or tea get us going, our walk with the Lord shall get us going too. He offers us a new beginning each morning: that is how much He loves us!


Remind yourself every morning as you wake up, even before you hop (or crawl) out of bed, that it is a new day and the Lord has compassion on your life and has new things in store for you. Leave the past behind: today is a brand new day!

Pray ~

Oh Lord, I love knowing that You give me a brand new day every single morning. Thank You for new beginnings and help me to use them wisely.

Trusting in Him,



  1. Thank you for always sharing. Your posts are an encouragement and a great reminder just when I need it. Keep up the good work for the Kingdom of Christ!
