
Friday, August 17, 2012

August 18, 2012 ~ Sharing your gifts

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10


There are two primary kinds of learners in this world. Some learn by hearing and the others visually. I fall into the visual camp in a large way. It’s almost the only way I can learn something new. Unless the instructor or speaker has an amazingly entertaining voice and story, my mind wanders off. And I begin doodling in my notebook.

When I decided to go back to college, I checked into on line learning. While it is tough and takes a ton of self discipline to make myself study, I love it.  I am looking at words instead of listening to an instructor so I retain so much more.

I first discovered how much better I learn by visual means many years ago when I was a new staff member for Campus Crusade for Christ. I was under the spiritual care of a woman named Jan Knipp. Jan gave me homework assignments each week and one week she asked me to write a “review” of Proverbs 31.

As I began working on my assignment I realized it was not coming alive to me in a meaningful way. This was way before scrapbooking had become popular, but before I knew it, I was creating a small book filled with visual aids for each verse. Using found items, magazines and colored markers, I illustrated each verse and how it applied to me. I learned Proverbs 31 easily and after that began using visual reminders of each verse I wanted to remember.

Over the years God developed my spiritual gifts along with my natural love of art to create ways people could remember the verses they loved in the Bible. Then, almost three years ago, the Trust in the Lord ministry was born, using graphics and photos to illustrate scripture. People that might not open their Bible are getting fed His word daily through Facebook, Cubits and Pinterest. And I love every day I am able to minister to people.

So, even though I am not a nationally known speaker or author, God uses me, a normal woman, with a deep love for Him. He designed me with particular gifts to be shared with believers and I thrive in sharing His word with art. And He has designed you to share your gifts too. I hope you are using them.


Because we are all to share our gifts with one another, for spiritual encouragement and growth, it’s important to look outside the box so you can share yours. What are your spiritual gifts? Do you use them?

Of course it is God who gives you the gifts to help other believers but it’s informative to take a test like the following one that can help you discover and use yours. I posted this link a few months ago and wanted to share it again.


Thank You Father for the gifts you have given me and I pray they are always used for your glory and not for mine.

Trusting in Him,

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