
Friday, August 24, 2012

August 24, 2012 ~ Daily T.A.P. ~ God's Graciousness

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave Him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?
Romans 8:32


When I come to the Lord with a need, the enemy wants me to believe God is too busy with bigger things than to care for my simple need. I’m not talking about some extravagant “want” like a new car. But to come before the Lord and ask for a job to meet my needs, is something I know He wants me to do. He is indeed a gracious giver.

The truth is, since God gave us His Son, the biggest sacrifice ever, why would we ever doubt He can’t care for us in the smaller details of our lives? He loves us deeply and longs to have us come before Him.

I love this verse:

“The young lions do lack and suffer hunger;
But they who seek the Lord shall not be in want of any good thing.” 
Psalm 34:10.

The vital key is “they who seek the Lord.” I seek Him with my whole heart and currently need some part time work painting or whatever else I am qualified to do.  I know without a doubt that God will take care of my needs and will provide a way for me to add some income so I can take care of some things.

I love waiting and watching to see How God will provide for me but, in the meantime, I go about my life serving Him, studying for my degree and enjoying life. I am willing, and so is the Lord.


Come to the Lord with all of your needs. Understand that God has a lot of people that are in need and He will work things out according to His will for us. Be patient in waiting, trust Him to care for your needs.

A favorite example of waiting for His timing is when a man begins praying for the right employee to come to his business.  He wants someone he can trust, who is a hard worker and personable with the customers.
A week or two goes by and there is no answer to his prayer.  But he trusts the Lord to answer his prayer in the right time.

Then, another man who is honest and great with customers, is let go from his current job due to the company closing down. He prays and asks God to send him to the right place to interview for a new job. God works it out where the two men meet and two prayers are answered. All in His perfect timing.

"Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and He will help you." Psalm 37:3-5


Father, thank You for Your Son Jesus. He is the best gift of all; because of Him, we will be able to spend eternity loving You. And thank You for providing for our needs.  I pray you give us strength to wait on You and to ignore the whisperings of Your enemy.

Trusting in Him,

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