
Saturday, August 4, 2012

July 5, 2012 ~ Before He formed us

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
Jeremiah 1:5

It amazes me that when I am feeling down emotionally over a situation, God can see into my heart, sort it all out and place me on the way to understanding. But then when I read a verse like Jeremiah 1:5, I am reminded He knows me better than anyone.

Tonight is the last of my daughter’s life as a family of three because tomorrow morning she is heading to the hospital to have her second son. Michael Gabriel will have a little brother soon, Matthew Alexander. Both of these little guys have strong names and I pray over my grandsons often. They need extra prayers because their parents are very young and without a lot of income.  But the love flows freely and that is all little boys need.

I used to make a nice income, before the recession. If I still made that kind of money, I would probably be pouring money into my daughter’s financial situation. So in many ways, God used the recession to help my daughter learn to make ends meet on her own, without a whole lot of outside help. Sure, I help with little things but I am grateful God showed me the importance of letting them learn how to budget, do without luxuries, skip movies and forgo new clothes for the importance of diapers.

God intimately knows the little grandson who is still in his Mother’s womb and all he will become and experience. He knows his older brother who loves my tape measure more than any toy I could give him. He knows the boy’s parents and the way the struggles they experience will help them become more mature and gain wisdom. And still, He knows me, and how my love for my family might get in the way of letting them learn to depend on Him like I do.


Are there people you might be helping where God actually wants them to learn to depend on Him? He knows you . . . and He knows them.  Listen and pray.

Lord, I am excited that you knew me before I was even formed.  You have watched me all of my life, how I grew in wisdom and how I learned to lean on you will all of my might. Keep watching me Lord, and redirect me when I start to do things wrong.

Trusting in Him,

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