
Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 1, 2012 ~ And God said: no!

In my trouble I cried to the LORD, 
And He answered me.
Psalm 120:1

One day an internet friend who knows the Lord made the oddest comment to me: she said “Becky has a sense of humor!” I really do but it doesn’t come through when I blog about the Lord because this is my serious time. However, I love to laugh, tease and enjoy life to the fullest. Recently during my prayer time, I laughed out loud. Because God said no. He answered my prayer request with a resounding no!

When I thought He was ignoring my prayer request, I thought maybe I needed to pray differently. Sometimes we all feel like we didn’t “pray it right” or that God needs to be reminded, just in case He got a little busy with the world crisis situations. Or what about when we pray the same thing over and over again? The Lord has a sense of humor too . . . to put up with me, with all of us. I’m so glad His love is unconditional.

So, back to my prayer time. The Holy Spirit showed me He already answered my latest pray request about finding a full time job. He said no. I sensed a little smile from Him. Once I let my mind examine His “no”, I see, as always He is right. And I laughed because I didn’t even realize the prayer had been answered a couple of weeks back.

How could I have ever worked full time and taken 6 college courses, continued developing my ministry and had any kind of family and social life? Whatever was I thinking? (I wasn’t it appears). My prayer warrior friend Vicki was a little bit worried I was about to overdo it and she was praying along with me for my work situation, asking God for His will. I know He answered both of our prayers: for His will job-wise and for me not to overdo it. He said no because He loves me and can see what stress I would have been under. All things worked out just the way He planned.

Saying no is a good thing. Thanks Lord! J Now about that part time mural work . . .


Does God say no to you often? Thank Him for it! Think about the no’s that you have to say to spouses, children, family, friends, and co-workers. Those no’s are, hopefully, for the betterment of the person or situation. Likewise, God’s no’s are for our betterment. Thank Him a lot!


Father I thank you so much for saying no to me and saving me from stress and tiredness.  I pray for all those who are reading this that they accept your no’s and thank You for having their backs like you did mine. I love you so much.

Trusting in Him,


  1. I always think to myself and my Lord - Thy Will be done - because I KNOW in my heart-of-hearts that He knows what I need. While I was working contract (temp), I was saying to the Lord "I wish I had more time for my household, to go camping, to do my quilting that I've promised friends......." and now I do. I've actually thought "perhaps I'm meant to move back to my family in Winnipeg". I'm waiting for the Lord to direct me so I understand what he wants me to do. I will wait for him.
    Thank you for sharing your trials in waiting with us. Bless You!!

  2. Thank you for sharing your story with us! I pray God shows you what to do.
