
Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 14, 2012 ~ The Palms of God's Hands

“Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands.”
Isaiah 49:16


When I was a young girl in junior high, we used to write the name of the boy who we “liked” on our hands with a heart around it. Our parents hated it for some reason that baffled us at the time but I know now they didn’t want me to get boy-crazy at such a young age.

God is people –crazy about all of us. So much that we are forever inscribed on the palms of His hands. The Amplified Bible says “Behold, I have indelibly imprinted (tattooed a picture of) you on the palm of each of My hands” and while tattoos can be removed, we will not ever be removed from God’s hands.

His hands hold us, comfort us, encourage us, support us, pick us up, lay us down, wipe our tears, pat our backs and push us out the door sometimes.  God’s love for us goes further than any love we can imagine on earth.

I saw someone’s Facebook relationship status recently that said “it’s complicated” and it made me think two things. One is that I never want to be part of a complicated relationship and two, I am so thankful my relationship with the Lord is so simple. He loves me and I love Him. Unconditional love.

I’m not really a tattoo person but I think if ever I did want one, it would be to have the name of Jesus on my hand. The One whose hands received the nails for my sin; the One who has given me eternal life.


Is your name written on the Lord’s hands? How about the people you love? Pray for opportunities to show unbelievers how easy it is to have an uncomplicated relationship with the Lord of our life.


Thank you Lord for being so unconditionally in love with me and for teaching me how to love you in the same way.

Trusting in Him,

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful reminder Becky! God bless you my sister in Christ. ❤️🙏🏾
