
Monday, September 3, 2012

September 4, 2012 ~ The Lord Knows me Inside and OutI

You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. 
You know when I sit and when I rise;
You perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down; 
You are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue, You, LORD, know it completely.
Psalm 139:1-4

Thoughts ~

When my children were very small, they loved playing hide and seek with me.  I loved seeing their little feet sticking out from behind a curtain or hear them giggling as I got close. They seemed to think if they couldn’t see me, then certainly I couldn’t see them. And now my little grandson Michael does the very same thing and I can’t help but laugh. He is so happy that he can hide from me.

Even though I can’t see the Lord, I know He can see me.  And not just see my exterior but He sees my heart and mind.  He knows the whole essence of who I am and I cannot hide anything at all from Him. He knows my thoughts before I speak them. And so, knowing this, it has helped my prayer life, my spiritual walk and the way I live my life.

My prayer life is honest. I tell the Lord absolutely everything. My walk is more consistent because I know He sees my steps. My lifestyle choices involve decisions I know He would want me to make. He may have billions of people to watch over, but I am aware I can never hide myself from Him.

Action ~

Think about some ways you might be “hiding” from the Lord. Are you mentally covering your ears to what He has to say to you?

Pray ~

Father, thank You for loving me even though You know the real me more than anyone else does. I love you.

Trusting in Him,

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