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1 comment:

  1. Are you any relation to Charles Capps who writes word-faith material?

    Thank you for promoting my book How to Profit from Our Afflictions. It appears to be an affiliate promotion through I also wrote this book, though not through them, Why Is God Always Late? If you like, I'll send you a complimentary copy for review. It is not on CBD, but you may see it on my web site here:

    Moreover, I wrote a book on the Ten Commandments that is on my site:

    As for me, I'm retired from 36 years in evangelical ministry, from 10 years as dean of an evangelical seminary, and now still teaching there part time ( I taught Hebrew and Greek there for 20 years, and now I still teach some of my old courses, such as the Holy Trinity, Person of Christ, Work of Christ, Marriage and Family, etc. Anyway, let me know what you think. Here is my email: .

    The Rev. Dr. Curtis Crenshaw, ThD
