
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 25, 2012 ~ Just Ask God

God is able to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
Ephesians 3:20


Max Lucado asked “If your Father is God and you have a problem on your hands, what do you do? Scripture tells us what to do.” He goes on to list several things but what struck me was “Is your problem too large?” He quoted our verse today, Ephesians 3:20.  And I got very, very excited.

Excitement ran through my veins as I thought how often these huge, gigantic problems that enter our lives are seen in human terms, not divine ones. We are limited by our ability and forget that the Creator of the Universe can do anything He wants to do for us.  Sometimes He doesn’t give us what we think we need. His plan is better. So much better.

I admit that I forget what I have already shared in my blogs so if I told you that a friend gave me her mother’s car when she passed away, be excited all over with me again. I really needed a “new to me” car and didn’t want payments. I began praying for one and wondered how God might help me out. Through the amazing generosity of my friend, I now have a car with no payments. It’s an older car that drives so smoothly and I love it.

Ephesians 3:20 reminds me that while I was praying for a car, God already knew the one He wanted me to have. And the timing was not right at first. Bev went to live in heaven and I am now driving her car. I think of her (and my girlfriend Linda) every time I am in the car and say a little prayer of thanks.J

So Yes, I am excited to know that God answers all of our prayers in ways we have no ability to even guess at. All of our biggest problems will be taken care of along with the teeny ones.  We have an amazing Father who wants to bless those who love and follow Him.


Is there something that you feel is too big a problem for God? I can sense many people nodding a big yes. So give it to God and watch how He takes care of the problem!


Thank you Lord for being there for me always. Thank you for doing more in my life that I could ever hope for.

Trusting in Him,

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