
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 26, 2012 ~ God makes things new

And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”
Revelation 21:5


Recently Chuck Swindoll wrote in his devotional “Bedtime Blessings” some very comforting assurances:

“More often than not, when something looks like it’s the absolute end, it is really the beginning. Think of the cross. The roman officials applauded. The Jewish officials rejoiced. “Finally, we got rid of him, that troublemaker! We’re glad that’s over.” Yet three days later, He was alive again.  What seemed like an ending was only the beginning.”

There is a sweet assurance that the end of things means there is a place for new beginnings. While endings do hurt us often, there are some endings that open the door to change and new blessings.  I am experiencing one of those times right now.  Sometimes apprehensions sneaks in and I examine it, wondering why I feel that way.  And I remember to give it to the Lord. In fact, I have learned over the years to give every word, thought, emotion that comes into my heart and mind to the Lord. He is a great sorter and files them away, using them for His purpose in my life.

As He brings new beginnings into my life, I want to be ready for the newness. I will anticipate all that a new beginning will bring (even with challenges) into my life. Something new is sometimes just what we need!


Are you experiencing an ending right now? Don’t despair! A new beginning will be coming soon. Trust Him to open the doors, windows or anything else that needs opening. It’s all part of His plan to move those who love the Lord into places that He can use us the best.


Lord, while I never like endings, I am going to by faith trust You to work things out for my good. Bring new beginnings into my life where I can see Your power. I am so thankful for closed doors that bring new beginnings.

Trusting in Him,

1 comment:

  1. Amen God is the best, snd only one we should trust to know what is best for us, if he bring it to you he will see that you make it through it if you trust in him... Jesus take my hand and lead me in the way that I sjould go...
