
Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 6, 2012 ~ Joyful Songs and Flash Mobs

Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
Psalm 100:2


I love flash mobs. To me they are what serendipity is all about: Unexpected surprises! I’ve seen a lot of flash mobs on You Tube. . but none in person yet. To me, a good flash mob is when there are lots of unsuspecting people around who are blessed by the joy of other people’s love of music. The smiles on the faces of the bystanders warm my heart in a way I can’t describe. The unity of sharing a serendipitous event brings a brotherhood to be enjoyed that is priceless.

Fourteen years ago I tried to get my coworkers to burst into song and a choreographed dance when Rockin’ Robin came on the oldies station but they weren’t interested. Most were too shy. That was before flash mobs became popular and I imagine I could talk them into it today. How much fun the clients and customers would have had if we had been brave enough to break out into spontaneous singing and dancing.

My first introduction to a flash mob was when someone sent me a link to one held in a train station in Belgium. I was shocked by the emotion it brought: I cried! I’ve set my standard high and that particular one was one of the best I’ve seen.

One day we will break into spontaneous singing and dancing when we see Jesus in Heaven. Yes, there will be reference for Him, but I believe there will be the most unbelievable celebration that will be an ongoing act of worship in heaven. It will come natural to us; we won’t feel shy when we raise our hands in praise or dance with a rejoicing heart. We will be heavens flash mob and the angles will be blessed to watch us show our love for our King of Kings. We will “Worship the LORD with gladness and come before him with joyful songs.”


These are a few of my favorite flash mobs.  Sit back with a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy them. Three are Christian songs; one is an oldie you’ll recognize.


Lord my heart reaches out to you in complete abandonment. May I never feel shy about expressing my love for you and may I learn to not care what the outside world thinks of my love for You.

Trusting in Him,

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