
Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7, 2012 ~ The Tablet of your Heart

Keep my commands and you will live;
    guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.
Bind them on your fingers;
    write them on the tablet of your heart.
Proverbs 7:2-3


I love the phrase ‘tablet of your heart’ . . . it’s a beautiful way to say “keep God’s commandments.”  Keeping God’s commands as my most prized possession (the apple of my eye) is my goal every day of my life. It wasn’t always that way for me but it sure is now. My life as a backslidden Christian was not pretty. I used to say “I’m out of fellowship” in a joking manner but it wasn’t funny at all. I did not keep God’s commandments and I didn’t have the desire to. Sad times back then but certainly a part of who I am today: a forgiven woman deeply in love with the Lord.

This verse reads so pretty but it is actually talking to a young man to avoid an adulterous woman. Yet, it applies to us all in every way because with God’s commandments in first place, we are sure to live the way He wants us to.

If I question “should I return the money the clerk accidentally refunded me” I know that God commands us not to steal, to be honest in every way, to do what is right. And how do I know this?  Simply by reading His word.

Don’t be fooled by the enemy of God who will lie to you that it’s okay to do “XYZ” as he rationalizes for you. He is a liar and his pleasures include seeing believers fall from the will of God.  The biggest joy in your life is knowing what God has to say and following through with it. Just read His word.


Don’t let satan tell you the Bible is too hard to understand. Find a Bible that is easy for you to grasp. One way to find out which version speaks to you is to find a verse you love and then look it up in various versions on Bible Gateway. Another way, for those who love studying deeply, it to use the Biblos Bible Search and Study. I love both of these sites and use them regularly. You can also go to a Christian Bookstore and find wonderful Bibles that have footnotes that help you to understand what the verse is saying. And you can ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand tough passages.

Don’t trust others to tell you what God has to say: Go straight to the source to make sure you get the truth.Whatever you do, DON’T neglect reading God’s word. That’s the best way you know what He has to say so that you can write it on the tablet of your heart.


Father, thank You for Your word.  Thank You for guiding me to Your word, Your commandments, and showing me the way I should live. And thank You for forgiving me for everything I did that didn’t please You.

Trusting in Him,

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