
Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 12, 2012 ~Simple Blessings

For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous.
Psalm 5:12


As I walk through the days of my life, I am gently bombarded with reminders that I am blessed by the Lord. He offers me so many small, simple blessings; things that are easy to miss if you aren’t paying attention to the world, to your life.

The blessing of a good coffee pot that is 13 years old is one of the first blessings of my day. I have an old percolator that makes incredible coffee. If you aren’t a coffee drinker you won’t understand this but if you are, you know what I am saying. Once I had run out of coffee and was forced to drink hot tea. 

And so, my morning brew is a delightful blessing that reminds me I am fortunate to have electricity to make my coffee. And a job that provides the means to buy groceries and pay bills. While there are countless bigger blessings such as my four grandsons, faithful friends and great health, the little blessings are meaningful to me. Meaningful because God knows the details of my life and what makes my heart happy.

My mind wanders this morning as I reflect on all that I have that is simple yet meaningful to me. I am blessed more than I deserve and I am so grateful.


Count your small blessings all day long today.  Grab an index card or something similar and simply start listing your little blessings. You will be amazed at the day’s end of the many blessings we take for granted.


Father, thank You for loving me so much that You bless me with small surprises all day long. I want to be aware of them so I ask You to help me see all you do for me.

Trusting in Him,

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