
Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 13, 2012 ~ Scripture = HOPE

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.
Romans 15:4


I could write on my blog regarding the past and the future once a month. It seems God is forever reminding me of the truth that the past should be put behind me while I look to the future with hope.

I am one of those sentimental types who like to look at my past and for the most part that is great.  But when I start to wander into the “what ifs”, that is when the Holy Spirit seems to tap me on the shoulder and tells me to move on. And I sense the tap and do move on. I’m getting much better . . . but still have work to do accepting a few things. Isaiah 43:18 says it so well: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.”

In today’s verse, we are reminded that scripture was written in the past and is there for us, full of instruction and encouragement so we will have hope. Hope is vital to a believer’s life.

Lately, my life seems to be taking more new turns than normal and since I am one who enjoys change, I feel a hopeful excitement in the air. I pray often about this, asking God to show me His perfect way towards the future He has planned out for me.  I don’t want to miss His leading.

A job change is often a necessity in this crazy Great Recession and I made mine go even further with the decision to go back to college to become a Social Worker; specifically to work for Hospice of the Valley. That is my goal, but I do trust in the Lord to change my directions if He has a better plan.

This afternoon I applied to work for Hospice of the Valley as a Team Assistant. I’ve been in the art field most of my life, but as a volunteer, I have worked most of my life helping people. I pray that the doors are opened for an interview but at the same time, I can trust the Lord to work things out for me, even if it’s some other place to begin working. I have faith He will direct me.

The reason I have the faith I have is because I have put my whole life in God’s hands and use His word, written years ago, as the standard in my life. My favorite verse, written in the long ago past, is Proverbs 3:5-6. I am taught by it, encouraged by it and it provides so much hope for me.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.


Do you keep scripture as part of the hope in your life? Do you have an “arsenal” of verses that encourage you and keep you hopeful? What are the verses that encourage you the most?

Scripture from God’s word is far more important than anything any modern day person can write to us.  Scripture should be our standard for living, our guide to life. If anything contradicts scripture, give it up and leave it in the past. Fast!


I love that You gave us Your written word, Lord.  I thank you for the many favorite verses that speak to me. I ask that You never stop tapping me on the shoulder when I think about the “what ifs” of my past but that I hear the written past: Your word.

Trusting in Him,

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