
Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 27, 2012 ~ Do you Feel Abandoned?

Make sure that your character is free from the love of money,
being content with what you have;
for He Himself has said,
Hebrews 13:5


Tears were flowing freely one day when I was feeling abandoned by everyone who I loved. I was broke and had no idea how I was going to pay bills. I even admitted to God that I felt so alone and that I did not even feel His presence. While I know from experience (and His word) that He is always with us even when we do not feel it, that day my emotions were raw and trying to sabotage my knowledge of His truth. Then, out of the depths of my memory, came this verse. I wasn’t sure where it was in the New Testament, only that I would find it there.

That’s one reason why we study God’s word and store it on the tablets of our heart.  So that we can recall it and be lovingly comforted by the actual words of God. His love poured over me anew as I let Him know my struggles and frustrations. I knew that He would never abandon me. Contentment flowed into my heart. And I trusted Him.


Do you have feelings of abandonment? Are you feeling concerned over finances or work or relationships? 

God will never desert you! It is not in His nature to leave us out in the cold. He loves us! 

Today grab an envelope, address it to yourself and stick a stamp on it. Slip inside it a single sheet of paper that you have listed your abandonment issues. Every one of them. Pray over them and ask God to take charge of them and to pour His love out on you. 

Now seal the envelope tightly and give it to someone you trust and ask her or him to mail it to you in one year. When you least expect it, your letter will show up in your mail box with proof of the ways God showered you with His love.


Lord, when I hurt, You see every tear and hear every sob. You will never desert or forsake me and I thank you for your amazing love. Prop me up with your strength when I encounter difficult times and remind me of your promises.

Trusting the Lord,

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