
Monday, August 27, 2012

August 28, 2012 ~ Peace Can Flood Your Soul

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27


When I was in high school we would raise the first two fingers on our hand and bid everyone peace. We truly wanted our friends to “feel the love, feel the peace” but the words were more like a wish than a promise. Similarly, today I may tell someone I hope that they will feel the peace of God after a hurt, disaster or sorrow but I have no power to bring that peace to them. Only God does.

Getting a new job, house or car is exciting but those things can be taken away in an instant and are not going to bring long lasting peace. Having the money to pay all of your bills might give you a great feeling of satisfaction this month but it is not a forever peace and by next month you may be hurting financially and feeling anxiety.

Jesus Christ is our true source of peace.  He is ready and willing to flood our hearts with the peace that surpasses all understanding. It doesn't make sense by the worlds standards to feel peace when your life appears to be in shambles. But it can and does happen when you trust the Lord.

His peace never ever leaves us. We have no fear because ultimately it is Jesus who brings peace that can never be swept away by any disaster.


Are you feeling the absence of peace? It’s a horrible feeling when you feel that way. One day I was thinking about how delicious ginger ale would be. I was talking on my cell phone, rather distracted, and went into the kitchen for a glass and ice. Without thinking, I poured cold water into the glass and when I sat down to drink it, it was a shock because I mentally was prepared for ginger ale.

That is kind of the feeling I get when I allow the absence of peace to get its grips on my heart. It’s a shock to my soul because I usually live with the sweet peace of the Lord. He refreshes me daily and it is a joyful existence I have with Him.

But if I allow the enemy of God to speak lies into my ear, peace temporarily is shoved into a corner while I listen. But I know better and start praying, asking God to flood my heart with His peace once again.

It’s that simple of an action.  Just ask Him for His peace.


Lord, the peace Your Son has given us is such a gift. Thank You for flooding our hearts with it even when we should be in a constant state of anxiety by the world’s terms.

Trusting in Him,

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