Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 14, 2013 ~ Thanking God Through Your Testimony

I will give thanks to You,
O Lord my God, with all my heart,
And will glorify Your name forever.
Psalm 86:12

Thoughts ~ People who share their faith stories genuinely, transparently and thankfully are my very favorite people to be with. I love hearing them reveal how Jesus changed their lives from despair to joy; from self-centeredness to humbled awareness.

These people, who get down to the details and the nitty-gritty, touch me to the very core of my soul and I love to hear them talk, read their books and sit at events where they open their hearts up to everyone. They seek to glorify God and not themselves or their sin. I sit in awe and wonder, praising God for these people with such humbled open hearts. I am usually the woman with tears rolling down her cheeks with the joy-filled emotion of hearing about a life that has been changed through God’s power.

When a person shares a statement about God’s ability without backing it up with a real life story or Biblical account, it doesn’t mean as much to me.  But when I hear a man tell how he used to cheat on his wife until God came along and straightened him out, teaching him to love his wife more than himself, well, the tears start rolling. Or when a wife shares how she was not honoring her husband but belittling him in front of people . . . but along came God and changed her from the inside out and she stopped this nagging, well, here come more tears!

Sometimes God brings along someone into my life who will share the nitty-gritty, the “how-the-Son-of-God remade them and that is simply bliss in the best form for me. These people vividly drag me into their lives and show how Jesus transformed their lives, shaping them into men and women who glorify God in their everyday lives. They are openly thankful and I am thankful right along with them!

Other believer’s testimonies encourage me so much as my faith is pushed a little further along. I love hearing about God’s love and faithfulness.  I love how God uses people to change lives in His world. I love transparency. As I read my Bible, I soak up God’s words, cherishing them and allowing them to seep into my soul so I too can share transparently when I write about my faith journey.

Action ~ Ask God to help you share the whole story of each stage in your walk as a believer. Be transparent. Be detailed. Be honest. People will relate so much to you as you share your testimony and bring honor and glory to God.  Kick pride out the door and just share it: you will change lives as you share all God has done in your own life.

Prayer ~ Oh Lord, thank You so much for the women and men who have brought me to a fuller and deeper faith by the examples they so willingly shared. Bless them all Lord and remind me to share my heart so you will be glorified.

Trusting in Him,