Tuesday, January 13, 2015

It's All About Love

This morning, while it was still dark, I lay in bed, praying, thinking about my day ahead, and spending some reflection time. I was thanking God for surprise answers to prayers over the past two weeks. And I was asking Him for guidance in my new ministry opportunities.

I thought about Psalm 5:3 "In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch."

love, prayers, God, quiet time, Jesus, Psalm 5:3

And God spoke to me.  
He didn’t speak out loud, but simply whispered gentle words into my heart. He reminded me about love: His love for me, and my love for Him. He took me on a short little journey, showing me the importance of spending alone time with just Him. 

Not making graphics of faith about Him. Not writing a blog post about Him.  Not ministering to others. Not working through a Bible study I teach. But just one-on-one time. Our time. Alone.

Life has been crazy for me, I'm willing to admit to you. And the truth is, I got caught up in the drama of other people, Christmas celebrations, work, life, life and more life. And my alone times with the Lord weren’t as long as they had been, and not as fulfilling because of interruptions.

He reminded me of how I felt when I was in love with a man years ago. The joy of love, the wanting to be with that man all the time, the way I felt such contentment. The way our love grew . . . because we spent so much time together.

God reminded me how He can be that man.  How I can lean on Him all the time, depend on Him all the time, trust Him all the time. But we need a lot more alone time together, He whispered. He wants me to influence others, and the only way I can do that is to spend quality time with just Him.

And out of the time He was requesting of me came insight: My love for God keeps growing bigger and bigger because of the time I spend alone with Him. When I read His words in my Bible, they touch my mind and soul. They remind me of everything God is about. They make me a stronger woman spiritually, and one who has more to give to others as a result. So I agreed to God’s request.

Today, in the busyness of life, I turned off everything. No interruptions. Just us, spending love time alone. 

And I found the sweet joy of fellowship to be completely and overwhelmingly satisfying.

In His love,


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