Friday, October 26, 2012

October 27, 2012 ~ Weary and burdened?

Come to me, 
all you who are weary and burdened, 
and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Thoughts ~

Wouldn’t it be nice to never grow weary? There are times that we find we cannot lift our feet another step, open our mouths to simply talk and find our eyelids growing heavier by the minute.  Often, days that are very busy, where we had much to accomplish, have simply worn us out physically.

Other times weariness invades our souls from adding too much clutter that is not necessary. When weariness threatens to bring discouragement, it’s time to step back and ask if our schedules are keeping us from spending time with the Lord. Sometimes it’s time for a clean sweep, a time to de-clutter our lives, sort of a spring cleaning of the soul.

In this verse, Jesus is inviting us to come to Him, to be refreshed, to allow Him to carry our burdens. He invites us, ordinary you and me, to be in His amazing and loving presence! When I get weary, I long to sit at His feet and be refreshed, allowing Him to give me needed comfort and relief of my burdens. Sometimes it’s through prayer, other times through reading a Psalm or a devotional that brings my focus back to Him. Those days when He lifts my weariness are so appreciated and cherished.

Action ~

When you feel burdened by weariness, take a minute to ask yourself what has caused it. And then run; don’t walk, to the Lord Jesus who has promised to give us rest. Ask Him to help you find time in your day to spend time with Him. A quiet time, prayer time, a praise time will refresh your soul and your weariness will be lifted. When we take our eyes of ourselves and place them on the Lord, perspectives change

When we add too much world to our lives, our weariness seems to grow out of control.  Slow down. Get the rest from the ONE who loves You and has called you by name.

Pray ~

Only You, Lord, can truly give me the rest I need.  Thank you for carrying my burdens and inviting me to be your child.

Trusting in Him,

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